Episode 21

Published on:

3rd Oct 2023

Keying Into Our Desires to Build a Stronger Business: A Live Business Audit with Caela Mecham

You may have heard of a business audit and wondered whether it's right for you. Am I at the "right" place in my career to invest in this? Is Ellie the right person to facilitate this conversation with me? My live business audits are here to answer those questions.

Today, we're going deep on Caela's wedding photography business. Whether you're a wedding photographer or not, I think you'll see yourself somewhere in Caela's business triumphs and struggles. She's going through a transition phase after raising her prices and grappling with the worthiness issues that come up along the way of wondering "where is my next client coming from?"

She's seeing a slow down of inquiries and a frustration with Instagram as it feels highly curated and disconnected from her core values at the moment. First, we use her current numbers to determine whether she's experiencing a marketing issue or a sales issue. Once we've arrived at the root of the problem, I give her actionable steps to become the highly selective, sought after wedding photographer that she wants to be.

I'm excited for you to tune in because I think every business will have something to glean from Caela's breakthroughs!


  • How many inquiries Caela got from Ads vs. Instagram this month
  • Are inquiries leading to sales?
  • Getting really clear on what Caela's dream work life looks like
  • A framework for focusing her marketing more on the transformation her clients are experiencing

Connect with Caela:

Check out the shownotes for more resources!

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About the Podcast

The Business Conservatory Podcast
An Immersive podcast designed to help you infuse endless amounts of value into your business to tap into your unlimited earning potential.

Ellie McMakin uses her experience as a business strategist and multi- six figure business owner to give you the mindset principles, marketing tools and effective sales strategies to effectively make money without compromising your authenticity.

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Ellie McMakin