Episode 19

Published on:

5th Sep 2023

The Ultimate Permission Slip to Leave your 9-5 with Ashley Tronson

Corporate America likes to parade itself as the "safest" employment option. But what if you feel a calling towards entrepreneurship? Or you get laid off from a job you know you're doing good work at? If you're experiencing any sort of unrest at your 9-5 right now, this episode is for you.

Today we're chatting with Ashley Tronson, a career strategist who specializes in helping people transition out of their 9-5 and into entrepreneurship. As you may know, this particular transition is not something i've experienced, so I don't want to give advice on a path i've never walked down before. Ashley on the other hand has been through the corporate politics, the balancing act of creating a side hustle, and the ultimate decision to move on from the 9-5.

You might see a bit of yourself in Ashley's story and, if you do, I implore you to hop on a call with her. She has so generously offered a free chat with my listeners who are going through this career move. Whether you're just now starting to consider a move away from corporate life or you've been toying with the idea for a while, this is the ultimate invitation to step into a new era.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Budgeting as a permission slip to take risks, not a barrier
  • The paralyzing fear of leaving a "safe" corporate job
  • How to make the most money possible if you decide to stay in corporate America
  • Getting pushed out the corporate nest

Check out the shownotes for more resources!

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About the Podcast

The Business Conservatory Podcast
An Immersive podcast designed to help you infuse endless amounts of value into your business to tap into your unlimited earning potential.

Ellie McMakin uses her experience as a business strategist and multi- six figure business owner to give you the mindset principles, marketing tools and effective sales strategies to effectively make money without compromising your authenticity.

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Ellie McMakin